Monday, March 10, 2008

Good day

I haven't written much lately. Sorry! I worked this weekend, and for once, the shifts weren't too bad. It was nice to get out on time and be able to take breaks and not feel too stressed!

I had today off, and then am headed into the last little stretch before heading back to Pennsylvania for a visit. Working 12 hr shifts Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, then go to the airport on Thursday night after work to catch a red-eye to Philly. I will be exhausted come Friday, but it was the only way I could work out a trip back east this spring! If I was really organized, I would pack tonight... we'll see how it goes. :-)

This afternoon I went for a walk at Carkeek since it had been a while since I did that. It was good to get outside for a while. The tide was REALLY far out at the beach, probably the most I have seen it. It was pretty cool.

Went out to dinner with Ingrid tonight. Mexican food, sangria, and good company... what more could I ask for?! We had a fun time catching up with each other and discussing all sorts of things, from old friends who are getting married or having babies to gray hair and cats! Haha. I am glad I have someone to share these random conversations with! And now that I have written a post for the blog, Ingrid will have something to read at work tomorrow!!

I can't believe it is after 7 pm and still light outside! Crazy. I can see where this whole time change thing could lead to me being even more unproductive in my free time. All this daylight is making it hard to do the boring things like pay bills.

Here are some of my pictures from today:

Spring at Carkeek

Look how big this shell is, compared to my foot! It was huge!! (The shell, I mean, not my foot.)

This is my favorite one I took today!!


1 comment:

Philip and Deb said...

Iloved your slug shot!