Friday, March 28, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

I have so much to do this weekend!! And I really would rather sit here and blog. :) But tonight I'm getting together with my friend Cher from work, and tomorrow is Grace and Chris' wedding, and then Sunday is a birthday tea for Mrs. Erickson, followed by church... I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a far busier social calendar than I am used to!! I might also go visit a friend today and see where they work, which is pretty exciting.

And in between I gotta arrange to get an estimate on my car, change the oil on my car, figure out how on earth to attach the new wiper blades, call the landlord about the stupid shower tiles (that's a blog post in itself!), do laundry, clean my incredibly messy apartment... and those are just the "high priority" things. :)

They called me at 5:45 am to see if I wanted to come in to work today for overtime. Hahaha! No way. Definitely excited to have a 3 day weekend! I will have to post more about work later, but yesterday was super busy. But it was the first time in a very long time I felt like I was an experienced nurse who knew exactly what I was doing, and my interventions actually made a difference for the patient. Pretty cool.

Better do less blogging and start attacking that "to-do" list!

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