Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ode to Metro

Seattle traffic is notoriously bad... although I have to say, it does not even begin to compare to the "Sure-kill" Expressway (wow, I do not miss my old commute!). Combine the traffic and expensive parking with a stereotypically eco-sensitive population, and you get a city where using public transportation is more socially acceptable than it is in places like Philadelphia. Although I've taken the R5 train in Philly many times, I've never experienced the joy of a Septa bus. So here I've moved to Seattle, where lots of my friends and co-workers commute using Metro, and I felt like it was something I needed to experience for myself. When I first got my u-pass, I tried out the bus, but it was not until the last couple of weeks that I've come to rely on it to get to and from work. Which brings me in a long-winded way to the subject of today's post! :)

Since I didn't have a night-shift parking pass, and I was only going to be working night shift for a few weeks, I figured that riding Metro couldn't possibly be that bad. And for the most part, it hasn't. But there are a few things that need to be said.

(1) To the drivers who make the following announcement: "This bus is not going any further, but if you get off now, there is a bus right behind us that will take you the rest of the way." First, why are you waiting until this moment in time to let us know that the bus isn't going the whole route? Second, why bother making the announcement? Inevitably, as the entire bus offloads, the aforementioned second bus decides to pass the bus stop entirely. This results in a bunch of really ticked-off people standing in the cold, waiting for the next bus. Not that this has happened to me... repeatedly.

(2) To the guys who hang out at my bus stop: Please take a shower. And why do you hang out at the stop and then don't get on the bus? There is only one line that stops there! Also, did I mention that we would appreciate it if you showered?

(3) To the UW students who have decided that the bus is a great place to make out: Get a room. And I had no sympathy for you when you missed your stop. In fact, I found it pretty amusing.

(4) To the artist who decorated the seat back in front of my seat: Nice rendition of a bear. Or is it a yeti? Maybe there is a reason your art is limited to Metro seats.

(5) To King County: Why bother publishing a timetable if the bus is never on time?

I shouldn't complain. I've gotten to work on time everyday (although it did take me an extra hour to get home one day last week). I really shouldn't complain. I love walking the 12 blocks to the bus stop. Especially in the pouring rain. When it is 33 degrees out.

Clearly, I am pretty excited to drive to work tonight. Thank goodness for free weekend parking! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah - this cracked me up, Alison :) Doesn't sound like you have any feelings of vengeance towards the metro.