I wrote a couple of posts ago about starting new traditions when I moved to Seattle. One of the great things about my apartment is that I can be on the beach in less than 10 minutes from leaving my front door! Can't do that in Philly. I love living so close to Carkeek Park and Golden Gardens because being outside, even in a little pocket in the city, is something that helps clear my head. When the weather is not too bad, and I have some time, one of my favorite things to do is hike from my house through Carkeek down to the beach. (Ok, it's technically a walk, but there are some big hills and it is in the woods, and I am out of shape... so I have decided it is a hike!) In the fall, it was something I did a couple times a week. Now that the weather is nastier, it isn't quite as often, but it is still something I enjoy. My routine varies... if I am walking, I usually listen to TWIT or another podcast (gotta get my geek fix!) until I get to the beach, or if I am driving, well, the drive is so quick there's no time to listen to anything! :)
But once I get to the beach, I somehow end up doing pretty much one thing. Sit on a rock way at the end (unless it is high tide and my special rock is underwater... then it has to be a log!) and spend time with God. Sometimes I read my Bible, or other times just sit and pray, but somehow being alone on the beach lets me forget everything else and focus on Him. A few weeks (month?) ago I was sitting there contemplating a sermon I'd heard Mike Vederoff give at Hope about Jesus calming the storm (uh oh, I'm slipping into a discussion of Matthew again! Oops... but it is chapter 14 so that doesn't count, right?) and was just watching the waves and thinking about Peter sinking into the water. "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Another time I was sitting there praying and saw a man wade out into the water, fishing. It made me think of Jesus calling the disciples. :)
Anyway, today I went to Carkeek for the first time in over a week, although I drove because it was freezing and raining. But it was good to sit in my car overlooking the water and spent some time in the Word and in prayer. Lately I've been thinking a lot about God's plan for my life, and being patient and trusting in Him, rather than trying to impose my own plan or timetable on things.
"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:25-28(Ok, I will stop here but I could go on and on and quote all of Romans 8!! Sorry.) Anyway, that's what I was contemplating this morning. I like that it says that the Spirit intercedes with groans that words cannot express... lately I have been feeling like I don't have always have the right words and I am glad that He understands the groans, too! :)
Took a couple of pictures (of course). Not too many because of the rain, but here are a select few.
Piper's Creek
Random leaf on a rock. Artistic shot! :)
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