Work was not too bad... not a lot going on since tests and things were rescheduled around the holiday. Of course, there were lots of visitors, and it was really nice to see a bunch of families on the floor visiting relatives. For some of my patients, it was like a party! The hospital administrators stopped by in their suits to wish the nursing staff a Merry Christmas, which I thought was neat... yes, they wished us a Merry Christmas rather than "Happy Winter" or other nonsense. Pretty cool.
This afternoon, I was surprised to look out the window and see that it was snowing! A white Christmas in Seattle... who knew? My patient looked out the window and said, "It's a Christmas miracle!!". Haha. It was pretty funny. :) Of course, it didn't stick around, but it made for a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
So after I got home, I played a rock and roll trivia game with my family over the computer. Skype is pretty awesome! Especially after we got the sound card issues all worked out so we could actually hear each other. :) We had a good time playing the game together-- we usually play board games on Christmas, and it was nice that we could still do that, even though we were so far apart. While we played our game, I roasted my little rock cornish game hen for Christmas dinner. It smells so good in my apartment-- like Thanksgiving! Tasted pretty good, too, if I might say so myself.
Overall, it was a pretty good day, all things considered. I am so tired! And very excited that I am working evening shift tomorrow night, which means I can sleep in! Wonderful.
Still loving the new camera, although I am figuring out all the crazy features and little tricks. Here's a picture I took of my dinner tonight... can you tell that I don't cook that often and am really proud of myself? :)
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