Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I sat down at the computer to post something to my blog, and thought it was a little quiet in the room, so I opened up iTunes and hit shuffle. The song that first started playing? The Rolling Stones, "Time is On My Side". Haha. I literally laughed out loud. :-) I have definitely not been feeling that way lately! But maybe it is a not-so-subtle reminder to just relax. At any rate, I found it amusing.

Work was crazy today, as usual. I was glad to have the same patients as yesterday, because even though 2 of the 3 had psych issues and tried my patience to the breaking point, at least I knew what to expect. My day would have been great if it had just been those 3, but I also had a fourth patient. Who decided to have a heart attack (or at least an episode of unstable angina) this morning. There's nothing like a rapid response to start off the day! Interestingly, this same patient was also confused and combative, and kept trying to throw punches. He managed to scratch up the charge nurse pretty good in one incident, which I felt bad about because the charge nurse was trying to help me out... and I escaped unscathed. I commented that I previously worked in South Philly, home of Rocky Balboa, where I learned how to duck those flying fists. :-) Oh, and by the way... did I mention that the patient in question was 97 years old? Yes, you read that correctly. Yikes! Oh, and the best part of all of this? The patient was discharged just before the end of my shift. Like I said, it was a crazy day.

OK, so now the second song came on... and I kid you not, it is a Backstreet Boys song entitled "Time". Weird. They say that God works in mysterious ways. Does that include iTunes? Something to contemplate.

Bible study tomorrow... I'll be honest. Haven't studied the passage yet. Read through it last week, though. But I have the day off tomorrow, so I will have time to look at it a bit more closely. Even though I don't always feel comfortable in those kind of social settings, I am looking forward to the discussion. I spend so much time at work amongst non-Christians that it is nice to have some fellowship to look forward to.

I really shouldn't put iTunes on shuffle while blogging! Next song? Avril Lavigne, "When You're Gone". Love the song, but it is so sad!! The video makes me cry... the part with the old man and the champagne gets me every time. If you haven't seen it, check it out at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPW70sgrHiY (Can't embed it, thanks to the record label!) One of my favorite Avril songs... at least at the moment. :-)

Anyway, now that I've gotten myself all depressed, I better go get some stuff done before heading to bed. Yes, I know it's barely after 8 pm and I am already thinking about heading to bed... but I am really tired. And this way, I can get a long night's sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour tomorrow. Which means I can make the most of my day off. I'm hoping the weather is nice so I can maybe spend some time outside!

And if the weather isn't so nice? Well, there is a copy of TaxCut sitting on my desk, just itching to be used, and lots of laundry piling up. Is my life exciting or what? :-)

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