Friday, May 16, 2008

A Little Different...

Happy Friday!! It's kind of funny to have a job where it doesn't really matter what day or time it is... that is, since my work schedule is not of the Monday-Friday variety, I have lost the concept of what certain days feel like! For example, I've been off for the last 2 days, and head back to work tomorrow... so while many people are eagerly anticipating the weekend, I am thinking about heading back to the grindstone!!

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Seattle... mid-60s and sunny by the afternoon. Today is supposed to be even better... highs in the 70s! Everyone has been panicking around here because some weather forecaster mentioned that it could get into the 90s. Heavens!! 90s!! We shall all perish!!! Hahaha. :) But while I laugh at that, I did something very Seattleite-ish yesterday. The first sunny day in a long time... and I went to the beach and laid out my towel and read my book in the sunshine. Except it was approximately 63 degrees and windy. I insisted on wearing my shorts, tank top, and flip-flops, however, in true Seattleite fashion! Maybe if I dress like it's summer... it will become summer! I am not sure one can get a tan through goosebumps, though. As a medical professional, I should know the answer to that. :) (Actually... you can... the two are unrelated. :) ) Yesterday I got a bit of sun on my face... although upon second thought maybe it was windburn!!

There is this series of billboards/tv ads for an insurance company here, where they do "Northwest Profiles"... then the tag line is "We're a lot like you. A little different." Some examples include: ponytailed software geek, roadside chainsaw woodcarver, socks with sandals guy, recumbent bike commuter, and my personal favorite... obsessive-compulsive recycler. There is one that talks about the guy who goes shirtless when it hits 50 degrees... I thought about that when I was lying on the beach freezing yesterday! Of course, I slept with the windows open last night... and it was in the 50s. Haha. Denial is a wonderful thing. You can see the whole series of ads here: I highly recommend it!! It's the guide to people of the Northwest. :) Maybe not as funny if you've never lived here, or lived away...

I could write a whole blog about this ad campaign!! :) I think I am a combination of several profiles... "Confused East Coast Transplant" meets "Super Long Coffee-Orderer". Child of a "Perennial Power-Washer" and a "Green Lake Power Walker" who grew up as a "Blackberry Hunter", and who has a thing for guys who fall into the "NW Male Action Figure"/"Software Geek" category!! I have even been "Blue Tarp Camping" in my life. :) ANYWAY, I will move on. They make me laugh. :)

So in true Northwest fashion, I am planning on heading to the beach again today, although I don't think I will go so far as the being the "bikini on alki when it's 60 degrees out" girl. :) Not quite in bikini shape yet. Still a ways to go before ANY bathing suit makes an appearance!!

Hm. What else is going on? Yesterday was Ingrid and Chad's (or as some might call them... Chadgrid's) anniversary! Hard to believe it's been 4 years since that fun week. I realized that I can't really refer to them as newlyweds anymore! Makes me feel so old! :) It's been really cool to move back here and get to know them as a couple. Kinda like a new phase in life. :)

I don't feel like thinking about work... so I won't write about it. Will probably be dropping down my hours and no longer be 100% full time, since it is pretty much killing me. One of the girls at church was telling me how she is a volunteer at the aquarium a few hours a week... maybe I will find someplace to volunteer. Who knows. All I know is that I can't keep up this pace much longer!! I did find out that my parking permit will allow me to park at night... so no more bus!!! Yay!!! It's been pretty sketchy lately, particularly late at night, and I am really glad that I don't have to worry about my own safety just to get to work (where I worry about my own safety enough as it is!! haha).

My neck really hurts. I think I slept on it funny on Wednesday or maybe pulled a muscle somehow... last night it was feeling a bit better after the heating pad and ibuprofen and rubbing it... but this morning it is still hurting. Maybe it is my pillow. Or my sheets... I need to get new ones... really don't like my current ones. Haha... now THERE's an excuse to buy new sheets... they hurt my neck!! :)

Well, I have a lot of accomplish today before I can justify sunbathing this afternoon. :) Better get moving on it.


P.S. Thanks to everyone who gave me such encouragment after my last post. Things are still tough but I'm working to rely on Him for strength. It still looks to be a long road ahead until this situation is resolved, but I'm feeling less discouraged about it than I was the other day. I have been really encouraged this week by a couple people who've "been there" when I needed it, and not only given some wise advice... but also just listened when I needed to get some stuff out. Thank you. :)

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