Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On a Dark and Stormy Night

Just a quick post... hopefully I will write more later. Tonight I am staying up all night so I can sleep tomorrow... so I can work tomorrow night. It's complicated but the only way I can be well-rested before work!! Of course, all last week I got about 4-5 hrs of sleep before each 12 hour shift, and it was miserable, but that's another story. :) Just trying to make it through the next 2 shifts, and then I am off for a whole week!! Hooray for mini-vacations!

So I am attempting to stay up until about 7 or 8 am... we'll see how well that works. Last time I made it until like 3 and then it was a battle of drifting off and waking up 5 minutes later and trying to do whatever I could to stay awake (for example, pacing around my house). Not very productive.

I am working on a couple of sewing projects tonight, which should do the trick. Current project is a surprise for someone who will likely read my blog so I won't go into too much detail yet until the gift is given. But I am getting close to the end on it! Yay! Then hopefully I will be able to work on a more practical item... a gift to myself... curtains to block out the light in my bedroom! The blinds just do not cut it when one is trying to sleep during the daytime. Especially when Seattle has one of those gorgeous sunny days (like it was all last week when I was trying to sleep! Argh.).

Speaking of which... it is definitely a dark and stormy night. Like, the wind is whistling through the trees in a way that makes me wonder if we will have tree branches down and power outages and stuff. Seriously blustery outside!! Originally I was going to go hit up the 24 hr drivethru Starbucks in Northgate, but then I decided to just make some coffee here since it was so yucky outside. :)

Alright, time to get back to quilting. And battening down the hatches. While drinking my coffee.

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