Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sick Day

I'm not feeling very well today, so I called in sick for tonight's shift... which I suppose means that I am technically on vacation (since this was my last shift before being off for a week). But man... the problem with that is that you have time off, but... well, you don't feel well! Seems like kind of a waste. Haha!

This weekend is the trip to California! Yay! Looking forward to some sun and seeing Rob's family and just general relaxation. :)

Hm. What else is going on? Not too much besides work. And I think I have complained about working nights enough for now! I just got my pay stub for my next paycheck in a few days and saw something interesting. I am being paid an extra $6 for floating to another unit last week. Wow, what amazing compensation for the stress of doing that! [note the sarcasm] Seriously? Well, at least I won't be subjected to that for a while since we rotate who gets floated. And our unit doesn't float much... usually folks get floated to us!

Well, I COULD write about it being Nurses' Week or some other such thing, but I am not really feeling up to it. Time to go curl up on the couch with Smokey and watch some TV.

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