Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day

This is my 4th day off in a row, and yet I am still not doing so hot on keeping up with the blog! :) I had a nice weekend... On Saturday, Rob and I went to go see "He's Just Not That Into You", which was a pretty good movie. Then we came back to my place and drank my Christmas present from Rob (a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne!). It was a nice Valentine's Day! On Sunday we attempted to go skiing/snowboarding after church, but unfortunately there isn't night skiing on Sundays (apparently). Kind of a bummer, but we had fun driving to the mountains and just hanging out.

I installed my new scanner this afternoon! It is pretty cool, and especially considering how inexpensive it was. Now I have to find more things to scan! Haha.

As I am thinking about what to blog about, I am realizing that my life is rather boring! The big thing going on today for me is that the dryer is still acting up, so my laundry is hung up all over the house. My neighbors and I are fighting back, however, and are starting to keep track of all the quarters (which add up) that we lose on the dumb thing, since the landlord was unable to replicate the problem when my neighbor reported it. Hm. Interesting. So, yeah. Exciting life, huh. :)

Time to go do my Power Sculpt DVD! I have not been very good about working out lately. Or eating healthy. But now that my workout clothes are almost dry, I should try to get moving!

1 comment:

Philip and Deb said...

Glad to hear you got the scanner installed-- I use mine all the time!