Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Skiing Pictures!

My immune system is attempting to fight off a cold, I think. It's making me miserable. Lucky me, sick on my 2 days off! I am using it as an excuse to wear sweats today. Technically, a sweatshirt and my fleece pants. :) Also, I have resolved to keep the heat in my house at a balmy 63 after getting my City Light bill last week! Sigh. It was cold enough when I kept it at 67!

It was a nice rainy morning, although now it is actually kind of sunny and windy. We are maybe going to get an inch or two of snow tonight! I am rather surprised that schools aren't closed for tomorrow already...

I just finished uploading some pictures to Facebook... here are my favorites.

We went to Snoqualmie last weekend... it was my first time back on skis in 4 years and only Rob's second time on a snowboard (I think). It was so much fun, even though it was a little harrowing at times. Unfortunately, it was pretty icy, which was sad. Of course, THIS weekend it is supposed to be awesome! Oh well.

Not too much else going on. Rob came over last night and we did some Power Sculpt together! Then had chicken for dinner... we are both working on eating healthy. :) I did the workout again this morning and boy am I sore! But it feels good, I guess.

That's about it for today... I'm mostly just laying low and drinking tea and things in the hopes that I don't really get too sick. :)

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