Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nuptial Madness

Winter is apparently the new spring. No, no, I'm not talking about weather or time of year for cleaning... I'm talking about weddings!

Just got done doing some cleaning of my apartment (I stayed up all night so I could sleep today before work). I noticed that my dining room table held a number of interesting objects. No, not the dead roses that sat in the vase so long that the water all evaporated. (What can I say? I am a romantic and hadn't gotten around to getting rid of them!)

What captured my attention was the plethora of wedding-related paraphenalia! I found, in no particular order: an invite to Kelly's bridal shower (my future sister-in-law), a thank you note from Jonathan & Liz for their wedding gift (with a cute pic of them on the front), an invite to Sarah's bridal shower (it's a big year for weddings in that family!), and the invitation/directions for Lauren's wedding this weekend!

There are 3 upcoming weddings of people I am close to, all within less than 2 months. Strange! Prior to the 2 weddings I went to this past spring, the last one I had been to was Ingrid & Chad's wedding in 2004!! And before that? I can't even remember. But it had certainly been at least a year or more.

What's with all the weddings? And even more perplexing... what's with all the winter weddings? Has the spring wedding gone out of fashion? Hm.

These are the things I contemplate when I have had ~5 hours of sleep in the last 43 hours! :)

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