Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I can't sleep!!! Definitely annoying. I am on this strange cycle... not quite 100% nocturnal. Yesterday, I was up until 3am or so (not on purpose, I might add), then slept until almost noon! I just kept hitting the snooze button. Yes, from 8 am when my alarm went off until 12:07 when I rolled out of bed in disgust that I had wasted half the day!

I was all set to go to bed by 10:30 or 11 tonight, I really was. After I hung up the phone with Rob, though, I decided to watch some TV until 11ish. Then I tried to go to bed. But I am wide awake! What?! Probably has something to do with me getting up at noon today. :) So here I am, blogging late into the night because I have nothing better to do. Last night, I laid in bed and watched a show on TLC about the world's fattest man. It was actually pretty interesting, but still! I wanted to sleep!!

It just started raining here. The forecast is for flooding rains (that is, typical November weather in Seattle). I am hoping that the sound of rain on the carport will lull me to sleep.

Not much else new to report. Today was a pretty boring day... I was hoping to pick up some OT at work but that didn't pan out. I did get my PPD read... negative for TB (yay!). They surprised me by pulling up my file in the computer and determining that I was overdue to have my hep B titre drawn... so I had a surprise blood draw this afternoon. I hate getting blood drawn! The funny thing is, I can draw blood from patients all day long... but when someone comes at ME with a needle, I freak out! Haha. :) Hopefully the results are good. Otherwise I will need another booster shot... and I do not want that! (Although I suppose I would much rather have a shot than hepatitis, but still.)

Well, this is yet another boring post. Sorry. :) Time to climb back in bed and hope the sound of raindrops works as a lullaby!

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