Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is gonna be a quick post (#149!!)... It is almost 1 am and time for me to get some sleep. :-) I haven't written in a while, so I felt the need to post a quick update!

Election night! Rob and I watched the returns together, although it was rather anticlimatic... I think the dinner from Burger King was more surprising. :) But nevertheless, I was happy that Obama won, even though my absentee vote won't count for anything! Honestly, the last election convinced me that the popular vote means nothing, because it is all about the electoral vote... so... this might seem shocking... but I didn't feel like voting at all for the presidential race. I know, I know, it is "un-American"... but seriously? What is it worth? The major reason I voted was for the more local elections... WA governor, and the local propositions. Sadly, I-1000 was approved, legalizing assisted suicide in Washington. My feelings on the subject are numerous... I will summarize by saying that God is the One who ultimately decides when our time on Earth is up... and even though in my career I have witnessed so much pain and suffering, I am convinced there is a reason for it all. How could I proceed with daily life if that were not true?! Anyway, the popular vote has spoken on that issue... but my prayers will continue.

I am very happy to hear that Seattle Prop 1 has passed!! The Pike Place Market is definitely worth improving/saving. And as someone who has used the restroom facilities there... YIKES! I do not need to see people shooting up while I take care of business... so I am all in favor of some improvements there! :) And it makes me really happy that I am now a Seattle resident and able to vote on such things!!

Clearly, I am blogging in the middle of the night. I am all messed up by this night shift thing... back to day shift in January, though! Until then, however, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be awake at odd hours. Thank goodness QFC is open 24 hours! :)

This post ended up rambling, even though I intended it to be short... better try to get some sleep soon!


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