Monday, April 21, 2008

Day off!!

Whoo-hoo!! Of course it's back to work again tomorrow and Wednesday... my last 2 day shifts for a while. :( And they're both 12s. But then my dad comes to visit on Thursday!! It should be a fun but busy weekend... Friday night we're going to the Mariners' game (so excited!!) and Saturday night I've invited a huge group of people over. I'm hoping people show up! So far there have been a few who have let me know they're coming, and if even just those people show up, then it will be fun. The more, the merrier, though! :)

I have so much to do today on my one day off, yet I am going to go to the mall with my friend Cher in a little bit. :) Lunch and shopping... although I don't know that I really NEED to spend more money! But maybe I can talk her into helping me pick out some new scrubs, which I desperately need. I bought a bunch in the fall, and now they are definitely not flattering since they are too big. Also, most of my scrub pants have a tendency to almost fall off once I clip my phone on at work... and I am getting very tired of hiking them up all the time!! Crazy! That is so awesome, if I may say so myself. The bad part is that I gotta spend more money... and on work clothes. Yuck. What's the fun in that?

Another sermon on submission yesterday. Next Sunday is 1 Peter 3:1-6... should be interesting!

OK, gotta get going to meet Cher. More later! :)

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