Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, I've had to fix the previous post because the embedded video just wouldn't work. :( It was a video of a local Costco and how they make all the pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving! But if you are still interested, the article from the Seattle Times (and accompanying video) can be found here. Although Thanksgiving has passed, it is still pretty interesting!

I had a great Thanksgiving!! I cooked a full meal, and Rob came over to help me eat it. :) Roasted a turkey and everything! The menu also included stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes (and homemade gravy), and a failed attempt at sweet potatoes. Rob was very kind, and took a few bites of the sweet potatoes, then offered to be the one to make them next year! Hahaha!! :) Perhaps my extreme dislike of sweet potatoes somehow affected my ability to cook them. For dessert, I had pumpkin pie and Rob had tiramisu, and we watched "The Simpsons Movie"... except that we each fell asleep and missed half of it. All in all, a wonderful day.

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