Thursday, February 21, 2008


I've been enjoying the last 2 days off... and clearly haven't posted anything recently!! Oops. :-) I will write more later, but in the meantime, I thought I'd share some pictures I took this afternoon while stuck in traffic on I-5.

Not the most flattering picture of me ever taken, but clearly I was bored while sitting at a standstill. (Notice that traffic in the other direction is moving!) Also, contrary to how it may appear, I am NOT bald. Just have very straight hair that was in a ponytail!

In Seattle, this is what's known as a "sunbreak"!! Actually, it was about 55 degrees and mostly sunny this afternoon. Can't complain about the weather. Just the traffic. :-) Also, notice how dirty my window is!! Might be time to hit the car wash.

Did I say mostly sunny? Check out how blue the sky is!

So that was my afternoon on the freeway. Exciting, I know, but hey, it's a post! I will write more later, I promise. :-)


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