Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday, Monday

One of my coworkers was singing that song by the Mamas and the Papas today... and now it is stuck in my head. Which was better than the previous song stuck in my head; my boss was handing (ok, tossing) out chocolates to all the nurses tonight and someone starting singing that song from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"... "The Candy Man". Haha. :-)

I am tired. Not that I am shocked by that... I mean, what else is new? Worked a 12 today. Actually left at 7:45 pm, which was nice. Should I be impressed by leaving within a few minutes of the end of my shift? Probably not. But I am, nevertheless. Poor Abdul was afraid to get report on my patients since the last couple of times I have given him report, the patients have been really fragile or frankly, train-wrecks. Haha! But tonight was ok. I was particularly excited to give report to Cher, since we spent about 30 seconds talking about the patient and 5 minutes catching up on each other's lives, since we haven't seen each other in over a week. I miss the evening crew. Sigh. But I do like the idea of having somewhat normal working hours.

We had another death on the floor today. Not a patient I knew, and she was terminally ill, but I helped with post-mortem care. 28 years old. Talk about a depressing thing to think about. The one interesting thing was that I got to observe a procedure I'd never seen before... the harvesting of her corneas for transplant. It was, in a word, gross. But at the same time, pretty fascinating. There were several of us who watched the technician since it isn't something that happens on our floor very often. I will spare you the details. Hope I don't have any nightmares!

Nothing else is really new. Smokey seemed pretty happy to see me when I came home from work. I had forgotten how clingy she gets when I work the longer shifts! It's ok though. I have to admit, it's pretty cool to have her come bounding down the stairs to greet me. She was so excited!!

I ended up going running yesterday after all. I did the 4 mile Burke-Gilman trail loop from Ballard to Gasworks, although I only ran about a mile of it and walked the rest. My legs are so sore tonight!! It feels good, though.

Last night we sang one of my favorite hymns at Hope. It might be the Lutheran school education, but I love "A Mighty Fortress". Although last night's jazzy version was nice, it made me miss COS's ultra-slow version with the organ that makes the floor vibrate. :( I may have had my differences with Church of the Saviour, but man, I love how they do that song!!

We're continuing through 1 Peter at HBF, and I am actually NOT working Wednesday night, which means I am free to go to Bible study. Haven't gone at all, so I'm pretty nervous and not really sure what to expect. I started looking at the verses for this week, 1:6-12. Haven't come up with anything super-profound, to be honest. I keep getting hung up on verse 7 and the idea that (1) faith is of greater worth than gold, and (2) the trials came to prove their faith to be genuine... AND may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I've been thinking a lot about these first few verses of the passage today. Hopefully I can work my way through the next bit before Wednesday night!!

For someone with a pretty boring life, this post has gotten really long. I think I am so tired that I am just rambling!


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