Wednesday, March 25, 2009


No, I haven't joined Twitter. And guess what? I probably won't, ever. There was a time that I seriously considered it. But like the early days of Myspace, where I was worried that it would say something like "Alison has zero friends", I was concerned that nobody would "follow me" on Twitter. That would make me feel like a big dork! Haha. Beyond that, I didn't really feel like I actually NEEDED to have such instant updates on people. To paraphrase something that Whoopi Goldberg said on the View recently, I don't need to know everytime someone goes to the bathroom. No matter how close a friendship we may have!

I have realized in recent weeks, however, that there's another reason to avoid Twitter. It has become overly mainstream. Now call me a tech elitist (please do, I'd love it! Haha), but honestly, do I need to jump on the massive bandwagon now that EVERYONE has? I am getting really tired of hearing that someone has joined Twitter and we should follow them. Do I care to get constant updates from CNN? Nope.

Thinking about Twitter has made me wonder what kind of things I would post if I did, indeed, use it. I mean, my life is rather mundane, most days. Here are some examples that I have come up with... things that I could have Twittered the last couple days:

* Alison is at work and really needs some coffee.
* Alison is cleaning her bathroom.
* Alison is at Costco with Ingrid.
* Alison is woefully behind on episodes of "ER" on Tivo.
* Alison went running for the first time in a month.
* Alison is going to owe the IRS this year.
* Alison needs a new cell phone.
* Alison is vacuuming.
* Alison hates the new Facebook.
* Alison is dancing around to Ace of Base.
* Alison wants to break the diet with McDonalds.
* Alison is quilting.
* Alison loves NCIS.
* Alison is at Costco, again.

See? Who needs THAT in their life?! Haha. I can only imagine if there was an automatic Twittering of what we do at work... "Alison is handing out narcotics like they were M&Ms"... "Alison is kinda grossed out by her patient". The possibilities are endless. :)

It might be funny to read Smokey's tweets, though...

1 comment:

Andy said...

You should totally have Smokey tweet! I'm on Twitter and I'd follow her.