Thursday, July 10, 2008

A few pictures

I don't really feel like writing an actual blog post this morning, but I thought I'd post a few pictures.

This is the gigantic spider that was hanging out by the ceiling in my living room this morning. Smokey was going crazy! I had to climb up on a chair to finally get it since she couldn't seem to reach that high. :)

I finished the quilt on Sunday night! Still need to wash it to get all the chalk off, and put a sleeve or something on the back to hang it with, but it's done! (I can't seem to get blogger to turn the picture the right direction... sorry!)

Smokey sleeping on the couch.

Smokes venturing outside in the garden.

1 comment:

Philip and Deb said...

Your quilt looks really nice but the spider looks scarey.... It seems so strange to see Smokes outside!