Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 9649 of Life

It's been a couple of days since I posted a blog. Just been working and being lazy... no real excuse not to write! Things are a little stressful right now with everything that's going on, but not unbearable. I've realized that there are so many things in life that are out of my control, and it's not worth agonizing over them. I've decided to trust God and in the meantime just do my part to work on the things I DO have control over. One day at a time. And even though it's hard, I'm doing ok.

Worked this weekend, and am working tonight. Definitely looking forward to having tomorrow off! Last night I spent the first 4 hrs of the shift as the circulating nurse, which I really enjoy doing. Basically just wander around helping people, answering call lights, refilling supplies, fixing the copier, etc. :-) It makes me feel like I am actually making a difference. And NO CHARTING!! That's the best part! The second half of my shift was not too bad. But the last 2 days I've had this one patient with more psych issues than medical ones. It is exhausting. There's a reason I did not become a psych nurse!! But we have so many patients with psych issues on our floor. And a lot of homeless guys. And drug addicts. Sometimes a glorious combination of all 3 in one person. Lovely!

Been shopping around for a new TV. Finally! Doing some research on LCDs. I was going to get it after Thanksgiving, but then postponed the big purchase so I didn't go totally broke over Christmas. But now I'm hoping to finally upgrade my tiny little TV for one more appropriate to the size of the room! My current TV is smaller than the screen on a MacBook Pro... what does that tell you?! Time to upgrade. :-) I have saved my vacation payout from Methodist for just such an occasion! I am very excited, in case you couldn't tell.

My Groundhog cookie cutters arrived today! The right size ones, that is. Just in time to bake a zillion cookies tomorrow... and put the mixer to the test! :-)

It snowed last night! Less than an inch, but enough that I decided it was WAY too dangerous to go running. :-) OK, so I'm lazy, I admit it. I will walk extra laps around the floor at work tonight instead! Down to the cusp of a new weight milestone. I'm hoping to reach that goal this week. Probably skipping exercise isn't the best way to do that, though. Sigh. It's hard, but I've been really motivated by the way the numbers keep going down. And I have awesome support... my family and friends have really been encouraging, which is pretty amazing! Don't know what I would do without you guys. :-)

I've been thinking about the parable of the prodigal son today. Imagine that feeling... the father welcoming his son back with open arms, despite everything that the son had done. Unconditional love. What an amazing Father we have!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, kiddo! I'll try to call you tomorrow while you are baking groundhog cookies-- I sent the recipe in to John Francone in the dining center today.