Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Random thoughts
* I just logged into MySpace for the first time in over a year. Seriously, the last time was November 2007. Funny how that happens... I go from doing something constantly... to slowly doing it occasionally... to just stopping one day without realizing it! Anyway, it was amusing to see comments people wrote back in January... that I never saw. Haha! Also, I had forgotten about all these people that I was "friends" with on myspace but haven't talked to in forever... namely, most of my nursing class from Harcum. It was crazy to see all the people who have gotten married or engaged or had babies!
* I am thoroughly annoyed that the lawn service guys came today. I mean, yes, I am glad they are here and all, but they haven't been here in like 2 months!! Last week I got so frustrated that I went out and bought a rake, then raked my yard. And now they show up?! Argh! I have to say that I am not particularly impressed.
* Went to Costco this morning. Every time I blog about Costco, the hits on my blog go through the roof! So therefore, I am letting you know that I went again today. :) Among random things that I bought was a Christmas wreath for my front door! 28 inches of evergreen glory for $15. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Also, while I am on the subject... another reason I love The Warehouse is that the employees were wiping off the cart handles as people pushed their wet carts into the store. How cool is that? Never saw that before... at ANY store!
* I need to get a haircut. Like, a month ago. But I hate getting it done. So much awkward conversation with the stylist and it costs a fortune. I also really should probably keep up with the highlights but I am too poor for that. :) I have been procrastinating on getting my hair cut for several months now... which means it is nice and long, but also rather scraggly. Sigh.
* We put up the Christmas tree, but I haven't bought ornaments yet. I should do that today, I suppose, since I am pretty much working from tomorrow through the time we leave for Andy's wedding. But I am just not sure how I want to decorate it!! Red balls? Multi-colored balls? Ribbons? The choices go on and on!
* This week I have been contemplating the fact that I have now lived here well over a year and have yet to have found a doctor, a dentist, or a veterinarian. Or for that matter, a hair stylist or eyebrow waxer. Or a mechanic. Sigh. Guess I better get started on some of these things, huh!
Perhaps I have more important things to do than blog or surf the web. :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Never Gonna Give You Up

O Tannenbaum!
Trying to figure out how to make the fake tree look a bit more real!!
The now-traditional photo of Rob in the tree box! :)
I had a great Thanksgiving!! I cooked a full meal, and Rob came over to help me eat it. :) Roasted a turkey and everything! The menu also included stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes (and homemade gravy), and a failed attempt at sweet potatoes. Rob was very kind, and took a few bites of the sweet potatoes, then offered to be the one to make them next year! Hahaha!! :) Perhaps my extreme dislike of sweet potatoes somehow affected my ability to cook them. For dessert, I had pumpkin pie and Rob had tiramisu, and we watched "The Simpsons Movie"... except that we each fell asleep and missed half of it. All in all, a wonderful day.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Come Thou Fount
Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace;
streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love.
Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I'm come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God;
he, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;
here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.
Friday, November 21, 2008
007 Tonight!
Just got home from work. Looking forward to having tonight off (even though I am working this weekend)... Rob and I are going to see the new James Bond movie!! I am very excited. :) I have managed to avoid reading any reviews in the fear that it might not be well-received, because I figure that I HAVE to see it, regardless of what any review might say! So that is tonight. Until then, time to get some sleep... I am exhausted. Yawn.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pictures from PA
My bedroom at my parents' house
A picture to prove that I was, indeed, at my parents' house in Ardmore!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nuptial Madness
Just got done doing some cleaning of my apartment (I stayed up all night so I could sleep today before work). I noticed that my dining room table held a number of interesting objects. No, not the dead roses that sat in the vase so long that the water all evaporated. (What can I say? I am a romantic and hadn't gotten around to getting rid of them!)
What captured my attention was the plethora of wedding-related paraphenalia! I found, in no particular order: an invite to Kelly's bridal shower (my future sister-in-law), a thank you note from Jonathan & Liz for their wedding gift (with a cute pic of them on the front), an invite to Sarah's bridal shower (it's a big year for weddings in that family!), and the invitation/directions for Lauren's wedding this weekend!
There are 3 upcoming weddings of people I am close to, all within less than 2 months. Strange! Prior to the 2 weddings I went to this past spring, the last one I had been to was Ingrid & Chad's wedding in 2004!! And before that? I can't even remember. But it had certainly been at least a year or more.
What's with all the weddings? And even more perplexing... what's with all the winter weddings? Has the spring wedding gone out of fashion? Hm.
These are the things I contemplate when I have had ~5 hours of sleep in the last 43 hours! :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I was all set to go to bed by 10:30 or 11 tonight, I really was. After I hung up the phone with Rob, though, I decided to watch some TV until 11ish. Then I tried to go to bed. But I am wide awake! What?! Probably has something to do with me getting up at noon today. :) So here I am, blogging late into the night because I have nothing better to do. Last night, I laid in bed and watched a show on TLC about the world's fattest man. It was actually pretty interesting, but still! I wanted to sleep!!
It just started raining here. The forecast is for flooding rains (that is, typical November weather in Seattle). I am hoping that the sound of rain on the carport will lull me to sleep.
Not much else new to report. Today was a pretty boring day... I was hoping to pick up some OT at work but that didn't pan out. I did get my PPD read... negative for TB (yay!). They surprised me by pulling up my file in the computer and determining that I was overdue to have my hep B titre drawn... so I had a surprise blood draw this afternoon. I hate getting blood drawn! The funny thing is, I can draw blood from patients all day long... but when someone comes at ME with a needle, I freak out! Haha. :) Hopefully the results are good. Otherwise I will need another booster shot... and I do not want that! (Although I suppose I would much rather have a shot than hepatitis, but still.)
Well, this is yet another boring post. Sorry. :) Time to climb back in bed and hope the sound of raindrops works as a lullaby!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
150th Post
Reading the last two "milestone" posts from May and January, I am struck by the things that have changed, and the things that have remained the same. It seems like a long time ago that I was preparing for the Seafair race and to go to England/Ireland! But yet again, so much rings true. I am still struggling to lose more weight... I've maintained about the same for a while now. I'm looking for a new church to call home, and there are days I still really struggle with aspects of my faith. Maybe it is fitting, therefore, that I DON'T have some huge thing to post for the 150th post... a blog is really about documenting daily life, I suppose... and this IS my daily life. Pretty boring, honestly.
I went to bed at about 2 am last night, and woke up this morning at 5 am. I had a nightmare and then just could not get back to sleep. :( But it gave me time to think and read and pray... before the sun even came up. So perhaps that is what is most important for me to be doing. I have the day off, and have thought about visiting a new church this morning, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I hate "church-shopping". Even the phrase makes it sound like some consumer-driven thing. I just want to have a church home, is all. So far none of the places we've visited have felt like "home", or even that they would have the potential to become that. It's so frustrating. Should I just go to a church on Sunday morning because that is what one does? Should I pick one out of the phonebook because I have the day off and therefore should try it out? That just doesn't seem right.
I've often heard that Seattle is one of the most "un-churched" areas in America. After living back here a year, I believe it. Absolutely. Not only is it particularly tough to be a Christian here, but there just aren't that many churches. Believe me, I've been flipping through the aforementioned phone book! What am I supposed to do? I know that maybe I am being picky. Sure, there are churches that I could go to... but none of them seem to fit what I have been looking for. I could go be another anonymous "regular attender" at Mars Hill or Overlake, or any number of other huge churches. But I don't want to be part of a crowd... I want something smaller. I enjoy contemporary Christian music (hey, my car radio is usually tuned to 105.3)... but I want the opportunity to sing out of a hymnal, at least sometimes. At least have one in the pew rack. I want to hear Biblical preaching. I want to be with other Christians. But I'm just not sure how to do that right now.
So instead, this morning, I sat in my living room with my Bible and my copy of "Hymns of Truth and Praise". It's not much, and certainly not sustainable, but it's all I could muster this morning. Perhaps I will listen to an old sermon on my iPod or something, too, thanks to the internet. Sigh.
There you go... I haven't posted in a while and then once I start, the floodgates open! I would apologize, but it's my blog and you have chosen to read it. :) If you have made it to the end, I would love your prayers. Times are tough right now.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election night! Rob and I watched the returns together, although it was rather anticlimatic... I think the dinner from Burger King was more surprising. :) But nevertheless, I was happy that Obama won, even though my absentee vote won't count for anything! Honestly, the last election convinced me that the popular vote means nothing, because it is all about the electoral vote... so... this might seem shocking... but I didn't feel like voting at all for the presidential race. I know, I know, it is "un-American"... but seriously? What is it worth? The major reason I voted was for the more local elections... WA governor, and the local propositions. Sadly, I-1000 was approved, legalizing assisted suicide in Washington. My feelings on the subject are numerous... I will summarize by saying that God is the One who ultimately decides when our time on Earth is up... and even though in my career I have witnessed so much pain and suffering, I am convinced there is a reason for it all. How could I proceed with daily life if that were not true?! Anyway, the popular vote has spoken on that issue... but my prayers will continue.
I am very happy to hear that Seattle Prop 1 has passed!! The Pike Place Market is definitely worth improving/saving. And as someone who has used the restroom facilities there... YIKES! I do not need to see people shooting up while I take care of business... so I am all in favor of some improvements there! :) And it makes me really happy that I am now a Seattle resident and able to vote on such things!!
Clearly, I am blogging in the middle of the night. I am all messed up by this night shift thing... back to day shift in January, though! Until then, however, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be awake at odd hours. Thank goodness QFC is open 24 hours! :)
This post ended up rambling, even though I intended it to be short... better try to get some sleep soon!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
World Series Champions
I am feeling, for perhaps the first time, a twinge of homesickness for Philadelphia. Obviously there have been times I have missed my family and good times had in PA, but not really the City of Brotherly Love. Tonight, as I sat on the edge of my couch, dressed in red and gray with my purple Phillies cap, watching the end of the World Series... I felt it. A little gnawing at my heartstrings for Philly. On the other hand, I am extraordinarily glad I am not working at Methodist tonight... South Philly is not a place I would want to be right now, as I do not trust crazy Philadelphian sports fans!!
But as I sat at my computer this evening, watching WPVI streaming live coverage of the celebrations over the internet, I felt this connection. It's been a long time since I watched Cecily and Gary Papa and Jim Gardner... granted, I am happy to have broken free of the superhype extravaganza that is local news in Philly. Yet I am reminded that things really are different there, particularly compared to Seattle. The culture is SO different that it shocks me, really, to be reminded of it again! I like it in Seattle, and moving back to Philly wouldn't be my first choice. (Actually, what I would really enjoy would be someplace that is a combo of the two!)
That said, I am really craving a cheesesteak and a Yuengling tonight. :)
Halloween Cupcakes
I have no idea why these pictures are turned sideways... and can't figure out how to fix it!! But you get the idea. :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Turkey Day!
This picture makes me look like a Stepford wife!
Smokey had too much tryptophan!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Bullet List Mania!
My body clock is all messed up! Yesterday I came home from work at 8 am, went to bed at 10 am, woke up at 3 pm... went back to bed at 12:30 am and then woke up this morning at 6 am. Not sure what that adds up to, but I'm pretty much wide awake so I will take it! Of course, I will probably crash this afternoon, as I am prone to do. :) Earlier this week, Rob and I rented the movie "Leatherheads", and I dozed off... woke myself up by my own snoring (how embarrassing!) and discovered that the OPENING credits hadn't even finished. Yikes.
As I like to do when I haven't posted in a while, I am going to revert to the ever-popular bullet list...
* Last night we went and saw the new Oliver Stone movie "W", which I highly recommend. It was actually Rob's idea and although I was initially reluctant, it was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed the scene where Junior chokes on a pretzel. :) Haha. Seriously, though, James Brolin was frighteningly good! The movie definitely made me think about the last 8 years. I remember standing in my college dorm room, watching Colin Powell's speech to the UN about WMDs. And the anti-war protests when we were in Vienna. Anyway, I really liked the movie!
* Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my first date with Rob. We enjoyed reminiscing last night about that... how we stayed at Starbucks talking, long after the coffee was finished, and eventually they had to ask us to leave because they were closing!! :) Fun times.
* This week I purchased plane tickets! I am headed to Philly in mid-November for my friend Lauren's wedding. It's going to be a quick weekend trip, but should be fun.
* I am definitely in need of a vacation. Work has been taking its toll... Thursday night was one of the worst nights I've had in a long time. Yuck. Really glad that I have a 4 day weekend off!!!
* This morning, I finally broke down and installed the new version of iTunes. Of course, I had to mess around with the Genius feature. I've been pretty impressed with some of the playlists it has come up with. But also completely baffled by some of the songs it picks!! I tried it with the Michael W. Smith song "A New Hallelujah", and they picked ones from artists like Newsboys, MercyMe, Switchfoot, etc. Ok, great! But right in the middle is... "I Need You (That Thing You Do)" from the movie soundtrack of TTYD. What?! Totally wacky. Made me laugh, though.
* Speaking of iTunes, I found myself dancing around the room a few minutes ago to that Steven Curtis Chapman song, "Dive". Reminded me of that awesome concert we went to a couple of weeks ago, and hearing it live with all the people dancing. :)
* I really, really want one of the new Mac laptops. But that would mean working some overtime and saving up a bit of money. Hm. Not sure yet whether I am going to try to work extra to get one faster or whether I will try to save up from my regular paychecks (which will take much longer but doesn't require more time at work!).
* I am wearing my purple Phillies hat this morning! But I am mildly concerned that doing so will serve to curse their World Series chances... since I seem to be bad luck for baseball teams.
* I'm currently contemplating roasting a turkey on Monday when I am off from work. Any thoughts?
Alright. I should probably get up from my computer now. It's a sunny morning in Seattle, but only in the 40s so far. Brr!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Rainy Day in the Rainy City
Not much new to write about. I worked a double shift Wednesday night... 16 hrs is a long time! But the extra pay will come in handy, so I can't complain too much.
Today is one of those typical fall days in Seattle. Highs in the 50s, rainy. A good day to stay inside! Maybe I will go work on one of my quilting projects... or take a nap. :) Smokey ventured outside when I was taking out some recycling this afternoon. It was hilarious! She ran out the door and got a few feet onto the deck before she realized that it was pouring rain... she then continued out into the grass and got all nice and dirty. I think she thinks she is a dog! Eventually I coaxed her back inside... and discovered she had a leaf stuck to her paw. It made me laugh so hard! What a strange cat.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October Already?!
I'm attempting to stay up late tonight. My sleep schedule is all messed up!! I slept for a few hours after work yesterday, then went to bed at like 1 am, only to be wide awake at 4:30 am... which meant I only lasted until 1 pm before I needed a nap! There's no real point to getting set on a schedule, because it SO hard to stay on "night shift" on my days off. If I did that, I would never be awake in the daytime and therefore would never get to see Rob or my friends or the beautiful city I call home!! :)
Even so, I am sitting front of the TV catching up on all the shows my Tivo has been recording this week while I've been at work! Right now I am watching "The Biggest Loser" while I blog. I love this show. Seriously. I haven't really been a fan of reality shows since the first season of "Survivor", but TBL is one that I watch religiously. Maybe it is because of my own struggles with weight that I feel a connection to the contestants. Or maybe I just prefer to watch someone else working out rather than me!! Haha. :) Honestly, though, I feel like the show has been pretty inspiring. At the very least, it is really tough to veg out in front of the TV and eat junk while watching a show like TBL!! So there are some benefits in my mind. :)
Speaking of weights/dieting... I haven't been very good lately. I realized last week that I've really just been staying in pretty much the same place, maintaining my current weight. And while it's been a nice break from the intense dieting, I want to lose a bit more than where I'm at now. Which means that I definitely need to get moving. And eating better! I haven't gone running in over a week, and even though I have never grown to love exercising, I do really like the way that I look and feel when I am in better shape. I've noticed the difference at work, for sure. Nursing is a really physical job sometimes, whether it's moving patients or equipment or even just walking and being on your feet for a 12 hour shift. This summer I really started to feel the difference... less exhausted, stronger, etc. And I might be a total dork for noticing this, but my resting heart rate is actually lower than it used to be!!! I often end up checking my own pulse/oxygen saturation (why, who knows!)... I used to run in the high 90s, but now I am almost always in the 70s... and sometimes even in the 60s. Wow!! That is cool. :) I just gotta keep that stuff in mind when I am tempted to eat chips and salsa for dinner!
So I'm putting it out there in my blog, because that has helped in the past. I don't know if it is the sense of accountability or what, but somehow posting it on the blog seems to really help solidify my goals. :) I would really like to run another race sometime, maybe in the spring. And it would be great to be a size 6 (or smaller, even!!) for my brother's wedding in December. Mostly, though, I want to reach the original goal that I set out to accomplish... sure, 50 lbs is a great accomplishment, but I'd love to be able to get that last 20 knocked out!!! :)
On that note, I better move off this couch! Maybe do some crunches... or at least clean up the living room. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fair pictures!
:( I apologize to my loyal reader(s)!
I have officially made the transition to night shift. I miss normal circadian rhythms!! But so far I've had decent shifts so I guess I can't complain too much. Seattle weather has rapidly turned to fall (highs in the 50s, cloudy, occasional rain showers), so it makes for good sleeping weather, at least.
As always with a fair, I particularly enjoyed the livestock. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Costco, Part 2
I vow to write more later. I'm busy uploading lots of pictures from the last week or so!! Last weekend, Rob and I went hiking at Mt. Rainier and took a whole bunch of great pictures that I need to post. And of course, yesterday was Rob's birthday, so there are some fun pictures from that. :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I Love Costco
Now to the reasons that shopping at Costco makes me happy. Let me take you through a typical trip, and share with you Why I Love Costco.
* The parking spaces are gigantic, at least at the Shoreline store. My hypothesis is that people buy so much at Costco that they need to have bigger vehicles, and so the spaces are built larger to accomodate the SUVs/Hummers needed to tote home all the wonderful wares. For someone like me, who drives a Nissan Sentra, this is wonderful, because the first moment of the Costco experience is pleasant.
* There is never a shortage of shopping carts. Compared to my experiences at BJs, where you have to drag one across the parking lot to the front door, only to find that it has a bum wheel, this is great! Do not underestimate the little things.
- Milk in the double pack. Costco even has their own special oddly-shaped milk jugs (I assume they stack better on a pallet or something), so when people open my fridge, they are immediately aware of my loyalty to The Warehouse.
- Seattle Mountain Blend whole bean coffee (exclusive to Costco). $9 for 2 lbs and really good coffee!
- Kirkland Signature Tortilla Strips... while one might be intially reluctant to buy the store brand at a normal store, at Costco it is different. Many "store brand" items are actually just special packaging of "brand name" items, if you look closely. For example, these chips (3 lbs for $3.39!!) are made by Mission. And they are amazing. Particularly with my giant jug of salsa ($4.25). :)
- Tribe Hummus in the snack pack. Little containers of hummus (16 for $4.99), perfect for lunches at work. Yum. I have gotten more questions about it at work... everyone is jealous of my hummus!
- Clothes. You might be shocked to discover that Costco has some cool clothes sometimes. Granted, they usually have much better men's clothes than women's, but still. I've found some good stuff at decent prices.
- Did you know that Costco sells wine and beer (at least in some states)? I didn't know that until I moved to WA, where it is legal to do so. There are some great deals to be had, if one is in the market for such items. I admit, I have succumbed to the siren call of the Mike's Hard Lemonade variety pack for $21.99. Pretty competitive pricing!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Beautiful Day

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Moving here has been good for me. The last year has been really tough at times, but the Lord has been faithful, and I wouldn't change my experiences if I could! I know that today's post might sound super cheerful (especially compared to recent ones), and to be honest, I don't feel like blogging in detail about the big things that have happened in my life this week.
What I will say is that this week I experienced God directly answering my prayers. Seriously... I have rarely had the kind of immediate answer that I experienced on Sunday night, when I sat in church and began to cry as I was praying so intensely and just opened up my heart to God... and then a few hours later felt like God handed me a response to those prayers (and many months of prayers). What an encouragement it was to realize that He does indeed hear our prayers!!
Things are changing, and there is a lot of uncertainty ahead as we look for a new church. But our God is an awesome God, and He will provide guidance, if only we trust Him with our lives.
Sunset on the beach at Carkeek Park last Saturday
Friday, September 5, 2008
Frozen Peas and HD
I went to the Comcast Service Center off Aurora today (sketchy!) and successfully got my multi-stream cable card! For free! :) It took longer on the phone to activate it than it did to install it, but nevertheless, I am officially in the world of HD. I still need to procure an HDMI cable so the quality is as good as I can get it, but even now... holy moly. I think that my previous cable box was not HD (even though they claimed it was) because now I get all the HD channels that I was supposedly getting all this time (and wasn't). Here's how good the quality is... I literally found myself sitting on the floor in front of the TV, watching some program on ESPN2HD about the 2007 Green Bay Packers. For an extended period of time, before I realized that I didn't care about the content of the program!! WOW. I am stunned. The quality is insane. And now with the HD Tivo working... man. I might never leave my couch again. :)
Now to less exciting things like cleaning and organizing. Trying to be productive today before I go over to hang out with Ingrid tonight!
A couple clippings...
Hard Rock Cafe to Open in Seattle
Nurses Picket at UW Hospital
Old 520 Tollbooth in a Second Career
Well, I should get moving on my day rather than goofing around on the internets. :) Lots to do! Hopefully get a couple cablecards from Comcast, go grocery shopping, wash my car (got attacked by seagulls at work this week!)... maybe even work on a quilt or organize the 1000 pictures on my computer! Haha. Probably not that ambitious, but there are some possibilities. :) Oh yeah, and I really need a haircut. Hm.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
One Moment at a Time
Aside from that, not much else going on. Tonight I'm really struggling to stay positive and hopeful... and I know that it is made much worse by the fact that I am tired. My current Facebook status says that I am taking it one day at a time, and that's pretty accurate. Today's been a long day, and I am not convinced that the next few will be any easier or shorter. Sigh.
I've noticed that I can start a day really in a good place, having spent time with God. This morning I was singing along with the Christian worship songs on the radio on the way to work! And I felt like I was trusting Him with everything, without worry. But now, at this moment? I am a little more shaky. I know that I have to trust Him, because I can't make it on my own... it's just tough sometimes. My heart is aching. :(
Well, I better get to bed soon... another long shift tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow's post will be a bit more positive-- this one was kind of a downer. Not intentional, just a reflection of my mood, I guess.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
As Promised
Smokey snoozing on my bed while I clean! :)
Me and my cousin Jen at the top of the Space Needle
Me on top of the Fremont Troll last week :) Jen and I sought shelter from the rain under I-5 but found we had some company!
The infamous flat tire... and a very wet Alison jacking up the car! :)
27 candles :)
The aforementioned ridiculously frivolous red dress!
And September Begins...
This weekend, I worked on Saturday and Sunday... no long weekend for me! But of course, my work schedule is pretty wacky anyway, so I end up with random numbers of days off at any given time. I actually have a three day weekend coming up this weekend... Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Whoo-hoo! As you might be able to tell, my job is stressing me out. This always happens. I have a couple of bad shifts where I get all stressed, and then a few okay ones where I think its not so bad, but then wham! I get slammed again. This weekend wasn't as bad as it could have been, and certainly not the worst that I have had, but I think the thing that gets me is that my method of gauging each shift is "how BAD was it?". What does that tell you?
There's a difference between loving your job and not hating it. Or only sometimes hating it. I seem to be in the latter mood tonight. I mean, I am sitting at home and already am feeling anxiety over having to go to work tomorrow! And looking ahead to reassure myself, okay, there are only 2 shifts to get through before you are off again. Sigh. Probably not the best way to live one's life, but that's where I'm at right now.
I have found that the best way to deal with the stress of work is to have really enjoyable days off, and to make sure that the time off is what I focus on. To quote one of my coworker's oft-spoken phrase: "Work to live, don't live to work!" And so that has been my goal. Yesterday I had a really good day with a friend... even though things didn't exactly go as planned, we had the opportunity to spend lots of time talking and having meaningful conversations... as well as completely silly fun, too. It was the kind of day that makes the rest of life worth living. :)
Today has been pretty boring. I decided this morning that it would be a really good idea to completely empty my bedroom closet of all of its contents. And then sort through them. Of course, my enthusiasm waned as the project dragged on, but my closet is amazingly clean now. The bedroom is slightly messier, though, as there are some things I hauled out but don't feel like dealing with! But it was nice to do some "fall cleaning". I decided that since I have lived here a year, if there is an item that I have not used since I moved, then I need to get rid of it. Which is tough sometimes when I think about the time/money/effort spent to move it all the way here! But in the end I think it is more beneficial to just chuck these things.
The one neat thing is that my stacks of clothes that need to go to the Goodwill are now huge towers! It's sad when there are pretty new-ish clothes (and especially scrubs) that I have to get rid of because they don't fit, but on the other hand, I don't ever want to be those sizes again. It was good for my ego today to try on some clothes that a year ago I wore regularly, and now they look absolutely ridiculous because they are so huge!
I also finally rustled up the courage to call Comcast to try to get cable cards for my new Tivo (so I can use it!!). Sadly, the guy on the phone was a total loser and sent me on a wild goose chase to the Comcast counter at Best Buy. Luckily, the manager at BB was way more helpful and told me exactly what I needed to do... of course, at that point it was 6 pm and the Comcast store on Aurora was closed, so it will have to wait until Friday. But the good news is that the Comcast website is wrong, and I can indeed install them myself! Yay! Just not until later...
Not too much else going on... my daily life is pretty boring. I've been reading some books on Christian womanhood (or whatever you want to call it), and that's been good. The other night I couldn't sleep and spent a lot of time in prayer and reading my Bible, which was also good. I have spent quite a bit of time in prayer lately, come to think of it. Which is wonderful. I just wish it wasn't hard times that have driven me into that mode. :( I'm trying to be patient, to avoid resentment and anger, and I'm praying that God will provide wisdom and direction. One day at a time. That's about all I can do right now.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Frustrated But Happy
I have one day off today before I have to work this weekend. But Sunday is only an 8 hr shift, so I can go to church! Haven't been to Hope in like 2 months (oops) thanks to the craziness of summer. Last Sunday, my cousin Jen and I went to Mars Hill on Sunday morning before sightseeing (more about that later), and then before that it was work and trips abroad, etc. So hopefully (haha) I will be there on Sunday!
I'm trying to decide the tone of this blog. I am writing because I need a break from a frustrating day off (which would be great to rant about!) but I don't like it when my blogs are rants all the time... I prefer a more upbeat record of my life! I also need to make it a quick post because I have some of the aforementioned frustrating things to take care of before I can write a fun post about Jen's visit! So, here's the latest in my life:
* My 27th birthday was pretty much the best ever. Even though it was the first one where I wasn't with my family, I felt completely loved by family and friends. Particularly when I compare it to previous birthdays (where maybe I felt disappointed or OLD), it was simply awesome. Thank you to everyone who made it special!! Will post pictures later...
* Birthday gift highlights include Target giftcard, Amazon gift certificate, books, jewelry, linens, reimbursement of Ireland expenses (whoo hoo!), flowers (multiple givers!), a coat, and one of the greatest inventions ever... a Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner! I also bought myself a ridiculously gorgeous red dress because it was on sale and I felt frivolous on my birthday... now I just need someplace to wear it to!
* My cousin Jen came to visit from Pittsburgh!! It was a random idea for a trip, since we got along well at Thanksgiving (well, we've always gotten along well, but now we are older!) and she decided to vacation with me in Seattle! It was a fun couple of days, and I had a blast. Unfortunately, Seattle had awful weather the entire time... 50s and 60s and raining... in August. Lovely. But the visit was FABULOUS! :)
* After Jen left on Tuesday night, I worked two 12s on Wednesday and Thursday. Long and stressful days. Seriously. Glad when they were done! One day off then back for more fun. :) Next schedule, though... 90% time!!
* My TiVo died (see previous rant!). :( So I purchased a new HD TiVo!! But haven't gotten Comcast out to install the cablecards... so it is a beautiful piece of electronic hardware sitting in my living room as a decorative item. I anticipate it will be awesome, however. :)
* On Monday, Jen and I were driving in downtown Seattle and got a flat tire. :( So she not only got to help me jack up the car in the pouring rain of a rare Seattle thunderstorm, but she got to experience the joy of a tire store on Aurora Ave (the FULL Seattle tour!). Actually, I was super glad she was there for both the flat and the purchasing of the new tires, as neither thing was something I would want to go through on my own!
* Thanks to the 2 previous items, I am officially poor! Hence the frustrating day today, as I am attempting to pay bills. I have lived here 1 year, officially! Which means that all my bills go up at the same time!! Car insurance, renters insurance, rent on my apartment, cable bill, etc... sigh. No way to avoid it, but man. Stinks to be a grown-up.
* On top of that, my nursing school decided to finally review their records and realize that I had been given a Perkins loan in 2005. When I graduated in 2006, I repeatedly called and wrote letters, asking for the repayment info (I have copies of all of them, luckily), but was told that they didn't have anything about a Perkins loan in their records. So I filed those papers away and forgot about it. This week, however, I get a notice that I have failed to complete exit counseling for this loan... apparently the school decided that I graduated in January 2008 (rather than May 2006 when I got my diploma!) and re-discovered when reviewing their books that I owed them money! Ok, I understand that I did, in fact, receive money from them, and therefore do need to pay it back. However, the 9 month grace period on the loan apparently starting ticking away when I "graduated" in January. So... bottom line is that I have gained a new bill, first due in November. Yay! Of course, if they had ever responded in 2006 and then again in 2007 when I asked about this loan, they would have received the repayment in full in one lump sum... but not an option now for me, so now I get to repay with interest! Argh. So frustrating.
Well, this blog turned into a rant despite my efforts, so maybe I better stop now before I get all worked up again! :) I will write more and post some pictures later...
Friday, August 22, 2008
You say it's your birthday...
I have the day off from work, so endless possibilities lie ahead for today!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tivo Rant
I understand that hard drives fail. I really, truly, (unfortunately) do understand that. It's a fact of life in the 21st century. So when my original box died after a year and a half, I was sad but not shocked... these things happen. But when the replacement lasts only a few months... actually, 100 days (note the irony that it was not within 90 days)... I think I have a right to be upset. ARGH!!
So what do I do now? I have been considering a HD version since February, and was already thinking about maybe getting one anyway since the current box was so unreliable and I really want to check out HD tv on my amazing tv set! But that's a lot of money to spend... buy the Tivo box, buy the service, upgrade the cable, plus get cable cards for the box and probably a box for the other tv... it is definitely not a decision to be taken lightly. Plus, I would have to forfeit the pre-paid service on my old box, as well as junk the 100 day old box I spend a bit of money on. I have some money set aside from involuntary overtime at work, so its a possibility, but man... I hate being forced into a decision! It was one thing to think about splurging and upgrading to something new and fun, but quite another to now have kind of a timetable for that decision.
I know, I am being selfish and rather spoiled... here I am complaining about amazing technology and talking about spending a couple hundred bucks on HD when there are people who are starving or dying of horrible diseases or have ACTUAL suffering in their lives. I just needed to rant for a few minutes while I try to figure it out. I guess I don't HAVE to have a dvr, or even watch TV. It's just that with my work schedule the way it is (particularly when I go back to night shift in September), it is pretty darn hard to watch any TV at the time it actually airs. And I love my TV shows. :( Yes, it's pathetic, but hey, I'm just being honest. :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Happy Birthday, Blog!
It's hard to believe a year has passed since I was packing up the van and heading out on the open road! Wow, so much has changed. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vacation pictures!!
I have to share a few of my favorite pictures from my trip... some of these may have been posted elsewhere (by family members who poached my pics!) but I like them enough to subject you to them again. :)
Andy hamming it up at Warwick Castle with his "wax friend"
Dad and the DNA at an Oxford museum
Sunset in Dublin after a rainstorm
Grandpa Reid in a Dublin coffee shop
Shamrock in Burren National Park... definitely one of the best pictures I have ever taken! :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I obviously didn't get a chance to blog much while I was in Europe, so now I am woefully behind. I could just start with writing about this week... but who wants to read about my boring daily life?! (oh wait... that's what a blog is...)
The number one question I have been asked in the last 4 days? "How was your trip?" #3? "Do you have pictures?" The short answer to these questions? My trip was great, it was nice to see family, and I'd never been to Ireland before so that was cool. Yes, I have pictures... but there are over 600 of them and I don't have them all uploaded to Picasa yet nor are they organized, so I don't have a good way of showing you them!
(For anyone keeping track, the #2 question I have been asked over the last few days is likely, "What time will my doctors be here to see me?". My answer (in my head) to that is that they are an unpredictable breed and I have no idea. Except that you will probably think it is not soon enough!)
So I arrived home Friday night, had Saturday off to recover, then was back to work very early on Sunday morning for a 12 hr shift. Brutal! But now that I have 3 shifts done, I am off for the next 2 days. Which means that maybe I will finally have time to upload those pictures and/or do some laundry!! Oh yeah, and grocery shopping. Trip to Target and Costco. Maybe a haircut. Need to wash my car (badly). Vacuuming and other assorted household tasks. Mail the greeting card to a friend that has been on my end table since June (oops). Sigh. Gonna be a couple days of catching up, I suspect!!
Haven't really had a chance to watch much of the Olympics. :( Hopefully tonight I will be able to without falling asleep on the couch! It's tough because I am so used to watching all TV via my Tivo... but the Olympics are kind of broadcasted as one big program each night so it's hard to pick and choose what sports to watch. I might have to (gasp) watch live television. Not sure I can do it! Haha. :)
Today at work I was pondering the subject of self. Yes, that sounds incredibly deep, I know. (What can I say? I was all caught up on my work!) In reading a doctor's report, I came across the phrase "identity formation"... which got me thinking.
How do we define ourselves? And what happens when we allow others to define us, whether consciously or subconsciously? It's not something we (or I should say, I) really TRY to do on a daily basis... but we do it unconsciously all the time. Who am I? People often define themselves with objective things. I'm a 26 year old female. I have blond (ish) hair and blue eyes. I'm 5 foot 4 inches tall. The other thing people use to define themselves is their job... I'm a nurse. But the funny thing about that for me is that I have never been one who goes around proudly making that statement (and I probably should, I admit it). There are lots of nurses that are very vocal and PROUD to be a RN. I am proud of what I do, sure, but I guess I have tried hard not to be defined by my job. (I am struggling to avoid using the word career... yikes! Too much to think about!) Anyway.
When someone asks us who we are, to define ourselves, we tend to use those objective things. But it's the subjective things that really shape our identity, isn't it? Think about it. Feelings of self-doubt or self-worth are often coming from data that isn't concrete, and it's what we do with that information that makes us who we are. Confident vs timid, arrogant vs humble, kind vs nasty, happy vs sad. And the tragic thing is when someone uses the wrong things to define themselves, whether its based on internal feelings or someone on the outside sending false messages.
What a blessing it is to have, therefore, One who provides the ultimate definition! To plagarize a friend's Facebook answer to the question about religious beliefs... I am a sinner saved by grace. It struck me today that I often don't give God enough credit. "Fearfully and wonderfully made". What a concept! The thought that I am His creation, and He needs to be the defining thing in my life.
Who am I? I'm a child of God. No matter what. Amazing grace, indeed. :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Back in Seattle
This will be quick, as I am extraordinarily exhausted. I'm back in that usual struggle... I'm tired so I want to go to sleep, but at the same time, if I DO go to sleep, then I just have to get up and go to work... so I end up staying up later and then am just more tired. Sigh. It's a vicious circle!
Today was my first day back at work after 15 days off. The break was nice but felt too short! Back to the grindstone, only now with no vacation coming up to look forward to. :( Actually, today was a good day... a nice transition back. We'll see what tomorrow brings, however, as Mondays tend to be crazier than Sundays.
I have the Olympics on in the background. Haven't seriously watched much yet but I'm sure I will this week. Caught some bits today at work when my patients were watching it! The consensus among the nurses was that we all want to be built like the beach volleyball players. :) And that it is completely unnecessary for them to be wearing little bikinis.
On THAT note, I better get to bed. I promise to write more later! And post more pictures from my trip. But for now... goodnight. :)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
From a Galway Pub
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Silly England Pictures
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Pre-race Starbucks... hey, it's Seattle! :)
(This is actually the finish line for the 8K, because they took down the sign too quick from the 5K! And it makes a much better picture. :) )
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Race Day!
So I have all day to prepare mentally for it, as well as run some errands before my trip tomorrow. I think I might make some pancakes this morning. You know, carb load before the big race and all. Hahaha! :)
Saw "Dark Knight" last night. I really enjoyed it, although there are parts that are pretty, well, dark! The best part, however, is a scene that takes place in a hospital... I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it yet, but all I have to say is... even the Joker gels in and gels out!! :) Gotta love it. Although I have to say that he may have set back the public perception of nurses a bit!
OK, time to get started on those pancakes. :)