Thursday, December 13, 2007

'Tis the Season

As I write this, I'm listening to Michael Bolton singing "Winter Wonderland". Now, no offense to my relatives who might be diehard Bolton fans (sorry Aunt Deb!), but I'm not a big fan. However, it was the free download on iTunes this week, and who can resist a deal like that? Besides, my holiday music collection is a little lacking, so it couldn't hurt to add another song, even if it IS Michael Bolton. :)

I've been listening to a lot of Christmas music lately. Some of it is inadvertent, whether at the grocery store or at in the medication room at work (because nothing says Christmas like narcotics!). And of course, I've added my 3 Christmas CDs to the rotation in my car. I apologize to all of those who have been subjected to the 98 Degrees Christmas album. But I will never apologize for the Beach Boys. I mean, "Christmas comes this time each year" is among the most profound lyrics ever written!! And it just isn't Christmas without the Little Saint Nick and its four speed stick. :) It occurs to me that my family is probably very glad that the CD went with me to Seattle and they don't have to listen to it any more!

In all seriousness, though, I love the more traditional stuff, too. We sang "O Holy Night" at church on Sunday, which is one of my favorite songs ever. It's too bad that it is limited to just a few weeks in December. Of course, those that sit next to me in church are probably just as glad that they don't have to hear me attempt to hit the high notes! :)

But my favorite of all the Christmas carols is probably "Silent Night". And not just any version. It's gotta be the originial... auf Deutsch. Maybe it is my upbringing going to Lutheran school, or maybe it was hearing it in the German cathedral a few years ago, but it just isn't the same in English. Unfortunately, my ability to speak German has seriously declined over the last few years, but I can't help but sing "Stille Nacht" rather than "Silent Night"!! I admit it, I definitely sing along in my car to the German version on my iPod. The secret is out.

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