Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Here we go...

Tomorrow's the big day! This afternoon we're picking up the rental van and packing it up for the move to Seattle. The plan is for us to leave Wednesday morning on the cross-country road trip. My dad and I are driving the 3000 miles over 5 days since I'm also bringing my cat, Smokey, to Seattle. It should be pretty interesting to spend 5 days in a car with a cat! :)

I hope to be able to update the blog as we go, thanks to the magic of laptops and hotels with wireless access. I've been told there are even rest areas with free WiFi!! Hopefully, we'll be able to post pictures along the way, too.


Andy said...

Not only are you driving across the country with a cat... you're driving across the country with a cat who NEVER STOPS MEOWING!!!

...just kidding, Smokey. I will miss you too...

Seriously, though, you'll be just fine Alison. Just think about how nice and quiet your new apartment will be. That is, between parties.

Tim Meneely said...

Hmm. You're driving across country with Philip, and you're concerned about the cat?

Michelle Myers Lackner said...

Alison...Our prayers are with you in your new adventure! (We want to know how a cat uses the litter box in the car. Is Smokey in a carrier?) Yes, we're concerned about the cat (we know you two will do fine!!!)Hope you've packed the umbrella!

Anonymous said...

Alison...moving across the country is a very brave step to take. Kudos to you! But, driving 3,000 miles with your dad and a cat is a recipe for quite a messy trip! I will anxiously await photos! Good Luck and God Speed. (I'm the Chris that works with your mom at the library)

LWM said...

So, my biggest concern it your address because your birthday is coming up on the 22nd. You really deserve more than a card for this heroic deed - one van, one cat, one father, 3000 miles. Be sure to take before and after photos!

Much love and many good wishes from Nashville.