Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quick Update

I haven't really been feeling like blogging lately, but I suppose I should at least post a little something! :) Where to begin?

Rob and I are loving being engaged! It's funny... we knew that we were planning on getting married, eventually... but wow. Being officially engaged is wonderful! :) We both have been going around telling everyone! Poor Rob made a good point... I get to flash my sparkly ring, but the guy gets nothing to show for it. I offered to make him a t-shirt that says "Engaged" but he declined for some reason. Haha! :) Of course, once we got over the initial excitement of the proposal, it became apparent that there is so much to do to plan a wedding. Yikes! It's like a whirlwind. A really fun whirlwind!! :) We're planning to get married next spring so we have about a year to get it just right. :)

Aside from the obvious, there are a couple other new/big things in my life lately. First, I got a new computer!! I am writing this on my brand new MacBook Pro! I got it on Friday night (after a trip to the FedEx warehouse with Rob... long story) after they only were announced last Monday. It is pretty darn awesome, I gotta say! If only because I can blog/surf from the comfort of my couch while watching TV. :)

As you may have noticed, I am writing this in the middle of the night, which means I am all messed up from working night shifts. :( But only 2 more night shifts left until I go back to days! And when I do, I am training to be a charge nurse! Pretty exciting but also pretty scary. :) Kind of a complement, though. We'll see how it goes.

Alright, time to try to sleep a bit so I can be productive during my day off tomorrow... or today as I guess it technically is...